Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Bloom's Digital Taxonomy Resources

The following is a list of different resources for teachers to understand Bloom's digital Taxonomy clearer.  This list was created for the Professional Development Day scheduled for Thursday, September 1st of this year.
I hope this helps my colleagues with learning more about Bloom's Taxonomy.

Below is an outline of the Individual Professional Development Plan that the Professional Development Committee would like for teachers to fill in so we may match them with others with the same goals, and  help the teacher with resources to achieve their goals.  Another reason we hope to do this is to recognize achievements of all teachers in our school.  With writing their goal, coming up with a plan, showing how it can be measured and sharing successes we hope that the entire school (colleagues, administrations, even students) can celebrate their success of learning.

As stated before, it's best to do one goal at a time (and like the clip - maybe for 30 days because one failure does not mean you cannot do it).  Thank you.

Teacher Initiative for Professional Success
One Step at a Time

A brief list of my current strengths and assets:

Based on your self-assessment, a mentor’s  or friend’s input, and/or any school or district initiatives you are interested in, what goal have you identified?  What is an area of knowledge or skill that you would like to strengthen?

Describe the connection between this goal and your teaching assignment.

What would success on this goal look like?  How will you know when you have achieved it?  What would count as evidence of success?

Describe the activities you will do to work towards your goal and their timeline.


What resources will you need to better achieve your goal? (aide from colleague, helping teacher, books, materials, technology equipment

What will happen to show you that you have achieved your goal.

What evidence of growth will you share with a friend, a colleague, your department, you admin, or the entire staff (if it your choice of who you share it with).

Designed by Nicole Painchaud, Sullivan Heights.

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