The results are in with some surprises, and explanations of the data. We got 50 parents who answered the survey. It was amazing how many parents did not want to complete the survey which only took 2 minutes.
The end results were summed up in the information below, the usefulness of these sites to parents and giving us data if there is a need to change what we present on these means of communication with parents.
Excellent news that parents are using the web site an recent as well. Although I did get two parents who personally talked to me and told me they found out about the parent teacher interviews a day before it happened and they were unaware of the changes from a PDF newsletter to the School Newsletter Blog, there was a note of the interviews on the main page, every parent did receive a magnet with all important dates (including the interviews) on it, and the sign in front of our school did have the Interviews announced. The school also did two callouts to parents announcing this event.
Notation: we need to advertise the Newsletter blog on the sign in front of the school to get parents to sign up for the blog emailing system, a simpler way of informing parents of what is happening in our school. Our admin team is aware of this and are working on having parents sign up for the newsletter.
I added this question out of curiosity as well as comparison. Close to twice the amount of parents visit our school web site because it is more relevant to them then the district site.
Notation: Seems the district has to do the same, campaign more for parents to be aware of the changes in the district website. I am unaware of any means they have used to do this, but I am sure it has been done. The same website is used for the new website, so perhaps the information on district site is not relevant to many of our parents. 23 parents have been to the district site in the last two weeks, 21 have never been there.
Notation: The PE department has made it a priority to promote their wiki of all events, schedules, sign up and data for outside coaches to follow, making sure the communication is out there to parents. Some of the parents who said no to this question stated that they did not have a child in a sport at that time and that's why they did not go to the site. It's important to note out of the above numbers stating who has been there most recently, the data below state and more then 62% of the people surveyed knew about the site. Also, it is important to note that at present the PE Wiki had more then 400 hits in one time period. See data below.
Data form for September's views
Data from October's views, these last two weeks.
Excellent to know that our administration is on the right track for the use of our new school website design.
Notation: This is a blog attached to our website, a feature that should be added to all school templates, and should be added to the program.
Finally, the final aspect of our survey asked for email addresses of parents, to be added to the growing list of followers. The main reason for people saying no is because they already follow the school Newsletter.
Altogether the data looks solid, gives us a focus point to follow and improve. At the next parent teacher interview we will conduct another survey.
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