Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Learning from the Home Economics Department.

Guest Blogger - S. Blackwell - a wonderful teacher who believes in working with students on their individual levels, being there always for kids, and a truly caring person.  Thank you Ms. Blackwell for participating in this learning experience.  This is her department's learning for the year.

Goals this year: 
  1. to use LCD player to show powerpoints and foods dvds in class
  2. to use the document reader in Junior and senior home economics classes ( Foods 8 -12, Tourism 12, Sociology and Human Behaviour 12)
  3. to video tape teachers with the document reader and video recorder and reflect on their practice
  4. to develop more assignments using technology.

The limitations of the two Foods Rooms for technology equipment needs to be noted.
The physical space in both rooms -can not maintain the equipment's location, let alone the crazy cords that are all over for the VCR, document reader and plugging in the computer to a power source.   -  Unfortunately the position of dem table and document reader do not align for showing a demo.  In all overhead is still easier because

  • the equipment cannot be not mounted
  • set up time takes too long
  • Document reader recordings lack personal interactions and connections, a well as spontaneity.
  • Document reader does not allow for students to help with the demonstation.
  • Because of space considerations,
Some members will continue without technology in the Textiles and smaller foods room because of difficulty with equipment and set up.  We need to mount this equipment, but we have been told that it is too expensive.

Many assignments have been developed and created using technology such as glogster, prezi, websites, the internet, face book, you tube, learn 360 and discovery schools at all levels of the Home Economics Department.

Goals for next year:
  1. to develop lessons  to enrich the Home Economic curriculum using applicable food and health applications on the IPAD
  2. to continue to use technology in the classroom

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